Welcome to RISC OS Direct for the Raspberry Pi - a comprehensive distribution of the Open Source RISC OS computer operating system, supported by an informative video series.
![]() Includes Wifi support, Iris Web Browser, Pinboard 2.0, MP4/MKV and DVD video playback
![]() Suitable for use on Pi 0, 0W, 1A/B(+), 2A/B(+), 3A/B(+), 4B and Pi400.
About RISC OS Direct
RISC OS Direct includes not only the operating system, but a huge range of software and
other resources, including famous RISC OS programs like the Impression desktop publishing
software, vector graphics with Draw, Fireworkz and PipeDream spreadsheets, and Zap and
StrongEd editors. Not to mention some games too!
There's also a particular emphasis on programming. RISC OS is home to one of the best
and most flexible/capable versions of BASIC (BBC BASIC 5/6), and RISC OS Direct makes it
easy to start coding. Also included are many other popular programming languages such
as Python, C, C++, Perl, PHP, Lua and more.
Whatever your interest, you'll want to check our RISC OS Direct on your Raspberry Pi.
Not only is it one of the fastest operating systems, it is the modern evolution of
the very first OS for ARM processors, which went on to dominate the CPU industry.
Note - the v2 disc image is larger than the v1 - we recommend a 32GB disc, but some 16GB cards may suffice. SD cards tend to vary in real-world capacity.
Simply download the supplied SD card image, unzip it on your main computer, and
write the disc image to a 8 / 16 GB micro SD card. Watch the Getting Started video here.